Monday 23 February 2015

Technical Outlook Of Nifty Fut(NSE-FEB):1-3 days

Nifty Fut(NF) (LTP-8846) has positional support zone of around 8800-8780 and sustain below that may invite 8637 & 8515 area.

On the upside, it has to sustain above 8895-8940 zone for 9030-9065 and 9300 zone (after dream budget ??).

Budget sessions will start today and Govt. has to pass various reform bills those were under ordinance (Insurance/Land/Coal), which may not be a smooth affair, specially for Land Reform Bill. On the other hand, budget and rate cut hopes may keep the market alive & volatile.

On the global front, Greece has to submit its future plan for reforms by today after getting four month extension after a week long soap-opera. The drama will continue till June'2015 and possibly more to come. In addition, all eyes will be on Draghi and Yellen tomorrow for their speeches tomorrow.

Trading Levels: Nifty Fut (NSE-FEB)

Gap Up/Dw (Indicative)

SGX NIFTY 8855 9

        NF-FEB LTP 8846
  SL (+/-) 10 POINTS FROM SLR        
  Intraday Swing  Trader        
      T1 T2 T3 SLR
Strong > 8800   8850-8893 8922-8940* 8956-8992 <8780
Weak < 8780   8747-8707 8675-8637* 8604-8553 >8800

FOR  Conservative Positional Trader

      T1 T2 T3 SLR
Strong > 8800   8893 8940* 8992-9030 <8780
Weak < 8780   8707 8637* 8553-8515 >8800

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